Purple Heart Trail Program

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Minnesota entities – 2025

Associate Application


The purpose of the Purple Heart Trail is to create a symbolic and honorary system of roads, highways, bridges, and other monuments that pay tribute to the men and women who have been awarded the Purple Heart medal.

The Purple Heart Trail accomplishes this honorary goal by creating a visual reminder to those who use the road system that others have paid a high price for their freedom to travel and live in a free society. Signs placed at various locations annotate those roads and highways where legislation has been passed to designate parts of the national road system as The Purple Heart Trail. The actual format and design of the signs vary from state to state.

  • For help please leave a message at the Minnesota MOPH office at 507-236-8978
  • The Minnesota MOPH will provide 2 free Welcome to our Purple Heart community road signs for any city or county in Minnesota
  • Extra signs cost $65 each
  • Please work with your county Veteran Service Officer to send ceremony invitations to every Purple Heart veteran in your community
  • Reduced-price membership forms are available by clicking here MOPH Membership Form
  • After the Presentation, please send us a copy of the proclamation to [email protected]

General Information:

  • The Purple Heart Trail program began in 1992 at Mt. Vernon, Virginia. The goal was to make the public aware of the Purple Heart Medal and what the medal represented. Roads, bridges, highways, and trails were designated as a part of the Purple Heart Trail. The Purple Heart Trail grew so did the requests from businesses, colleges, universities, cities, towns, sports teams, airports, buildings, and many others.
  • The Purple Heart designation is an “Outward expression of an internal desire to recognize and Honor recipients of the Purple Heart”. The Purple Heart is presented to men and women of all military services who have been injured or killed in action against an enemy of the United States.

The Process to Become a Purple Heart Designated Location:

Each State has a Department Commander and several Chapters.  The process begins when a Department or Chapter Commander is notified that a location is interested in being designated a Purple Heart entity. It is recommended that a meeting be arranged to talk about options, dates of presentation, and other items that will enhance the experience of Purple Heart recipients, their families, and members of the community. You will need to Search for an MOPH Chapter to coordinate a proclamation.  Please use this link: https://www.purpleheart.org/findachapter

Options for types of activities that Purple Heart locations can provide:

  1. Many Cities, Towns, and Counties have canvased their citizens through news releases and notifications to churches and businesses to find Purple Heart recipients. Family members and Gold Star Families will have pictures and stories of their loved ones who have received the Purple Heart. The idea is to collect information, stories, and pictures and develop a booklet that others can see and read about the men and women of their community. Once the information is collected and published date is set for a “Meet and Greet” where the families and recipients of the Purple Heart can have a cup of coffee and a cookie to talk about their family members. At this point, the leadership of the community reads a Proclamation designating the City, Town, or County as a Purple Heart location, and the proclamation will be sent to the Purple Heart trail coordinator and placed on the Purple Heart Trail website.
  2. Provide Purple Heart recipients with tax relief, and reduced fees at parks, zoos, parking facilities, and public events. Set aside August 7th each year as National Purple Heart Day, and place signs that indicate that this location is a Purple Heart entity.
  3. Businesses, Universities, Colleges, and other Learning Institutions will provide a Veterans Oasis or study area. Provide a reception to honor Purple Heart recipients and other veterans as students or business employees.
  4. Sports teams, Stadiums, and Medical Facilities draw from a large area and may not be able to have contact information to canvas individuals who use their facilities. These Facilities can still be a Purple Heart entity and will create an event that will lift our Purple Heart families and recipients with things like a Purple Heart game or Day.
  5. Options to provide Purple Heart Recipients, and their families the honor they deserve are not limited to any one option. There are many stories that have never been told, some families receive the Purple Heart in the mail, and they need to be able to tell the story about their loved ones.

Please Direct Inquiries About the Minnesota Communities and Purple Heart Trails Program To:

Phone: 507-236-8978
Email: [email protected]


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